Saturday, May 31, 2008

You’ve crossed your diplomatic line, Sir!

Commentary & Analysis

Story by: OMAR ALI

Apart from the October 2007 incident with Dr Newton Kulundu, when the US envoy, Michael Ranneberger, was totally pissed-off by Minister Kulundu’ s remarks, and thus his refusal to shake hands with the Minister, the diplomat has not displayed any sort of the typical “mzungu” arrogance. And, by many estimates, he appears to be well intentioned on his mission and attitude toward Kenyans and the country. From his background, work ethics and his political exposure that borders on actually invading diplomatic pseudo boundaries, Ranneberger doesn’t come out as arrogant.

He does not even imitate the obnoxious counterpart hero of the United Kingdom Empire. Reference to the outgoing UK High Commissioner Adam Wood and his notorious predecessor Edward Clay. With an impressive professional background where he was ‘a Coordinator for Cuban Affairs, between 1995 – 99, Ranneberger assisted in leading the US Government’s policy to promote a peaceful democratic transition in the communist Cuba. In part this was achieved by intensifying support for human rights activists and the development of independent civil society.
The United States Government through the embassy functions headed by Ranneberger came through and handy when it provided the Office of the Prime Minister with the Sh30 million to assist in the establishment of the new office. The much needed funds came from the backdrop when it emerged that the Grand Coalition Government has little money to spend in this aspect. It was a very good gesture where the diplomat is not only seen to be talking the talk only but also walking the walk. It has since emerged that Ranneberger is one of the foreign envoys who are being accused of meddling with internal politics of the host country.

For reasons best known to these envoys, they are opposed to the formation of the organized Grand Official Opposition in Parliament. It is one thing for the Grand Coalition Cabinet to be opposed to an organized Grand Official Opposition in Parliament. However, it is completely a different drama when foreigners, (yes, foreigners) are in synch with the Cabinet in opposing the same. It is against this backdrop that it is clearly seen that Ranneberger has crossed his “diplomatic assignment” line when he is seen to have taken and has become the “ring leader” of the foreign envoys opposed to the grand opposition in the National Assembly. I say ring leader because it was reported that Ranneberger (and the ambassador did not deny the reports) has invited 10 MPs to his residence to “plead” with them not be part of the Opposition in Parliament.
This act raises many questions, such as, why go to such an extent of lobbying individuals lawmakers not to form the Opposition. The question of the day is why foreign envoys are so opposed to the formation of an organized Official Opposition in Parliament? What is it in for these foreign missions that are opposed to such an outfit?

Perhaps, Ranneberger needs to be reminded of the wise words of one of the United States’ famous founding fathers, James Madison, on the question of checks and balances that the organized opposition aims to do. In Federalist paper number 51, Madison wrote: “The great security against a gradual concentration of the several powers in the same department, consist in giving to those who administer each department the necessary constitutional means and personal motives to resist encroachment of others…Ambition must be made to counteract ambition.”

Without organized Official Opposition, the Executive branch of the Government will remain all powerful where they would do whatever they want with impunity. It doesn’t matter if the Executive is a coalition government or a single-party government. It is even worse for a country that has recently been accused of grand-impunity.

What I don’t get it is that, this Opposition is not going to be made by a certain tribe or a section of the country; it will be comprise of legislators from all over the country just like the GCG itself. The current GCG is made up of various political parties and so would be the Grand Opposition in Parliament. The GCG is made up of the PNU (and its various affiliates, ODM Kenya, NARC –Kenya, KANU, Safina, et al) and on the other side is the Orange Democratic Movement and its affiliate’s parties, NARC, PICK et al). For havens sake, the legislators will come from the same political parties that form the GCG who intend to form the Opposition in Parliament hence the name, Grand Opposition.

Although I have my own reservations when it comes to the “ring leaders” of the Grand Opposition, namely, Ababu Namwamba, Kiema Kilonzo and Mithika Linturi, because it is very clear that the three individuals and others are bitter for not having been appointed to the Cabinet. But boldly speaking, Ranneberger and his colleagues should keep off Kenya internal affairs.

Updated on: Sunday, June 01, 2008

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