From BOLD Scripts, by Omar Ahmed Ali
In the recently released study on the performance of our media by the African Women and Child Features Service (AWCFS), I must say the research Media Score Card Report (MSCR) hit the nail on the mark in several spheres.
From what I have read, the study findings are so precise such that it is apparent that the media has failed Kenyans and the country. The media has faired worse than the politicians who are always blamed to have failed the country and left it to the dogs.
Being in a position where I did not see the study findings in their entirely, but only reading from what has been published in the media; from that stand point, I have several remarks to make. One media report notes: “The MSCR says that there are rampant cases of ethical violations against social responsibility and public interest, professional integrity, respect for human rights and search for truth.” The study continues: “Most Kenyan journalists have failed to make sound moral decisions and judgement, thus jeopardising truth and objectivity which are pillars of the media industry.” In this area the study indicated that the newspapers scored highly on the count of accuracy but poorly on fairness.
As human-beings, we are all culprits of certain pre-conceived prejudices, biases and bigotry. Majority of these biases and prejudices have no affect on others as they are secretly kept by respective individuals and in most instances are applied clandestinely. But when it is practised by the media and when it goes beyond bias, it becomes very harmful, wrong and unacceptable.
The media houses can be and are very harmful to the national development. We know that the scribes are trained to write in a tactical manner that can look or appear as if their writing is unbiased in their effort to influence the thinking of their unsuspecting public. This style is reporting is what the MSCR study findings concluded that to be the cause of moral torture to the general public who are the direct consumers of information.
Yes, in the simplest language this commentary will show how the media in Kenyan is a culprit of bad biases and prejudice. But first to clear the air, let me first talk about thyself as a columnist and political commentator. I for one do not deny some bias, but I have always made it very clear on the onset that when I support an individual I have bee the consistent in stating so without hiding such a fact. I never distort a fact but instead bring all the available facts to the table for all and sundry to see and challenge if they so wish.
Take the case of my strong support for President Mwai Kibaki and his Government of National Unity. Conventional wisdom would have it I should support the Opposition, but I don’t and do not hide that fact. One can be tempted to ask me this question: ‘Is President Kibaki a tribalist?’ My answer is there is no shadow of doubt about that – looking at appointments in his Government; the President’s tribe is given most of the plum jobs. The only explanation for this is tribalism, no matter any way one looks at it.
There might come yet another question: ‘Do you think Kibaki is the best President for Kenya? My answer: ‘You bet he is. Looking at a bigger picture, Kibaki although favours his kinsmen; he at the same time also gives other tribes a chance. Kibaki has a completely different modus operandi as opposed to his two predecessors- former presidents Mzee Jomo Kenyatta and Daniel arap Moi.
Another example of someone I support is the Transport Minister Chirau Ali Mwakwere. I have never pretended otherwise when it comes to my support for this Coastal political leader. And like my support for Kibaki, I do not hide my support for the Matuga MP. The former Foreign Affairs Minister is the best Coastal legislator and he stands as one among equals nationally in all aspects of his career — from the National Assembly to the Cabinet where he has had the privilege to serve in three ministerial dockets.
Some of us are candid in stating our position for those we think deserve our support, but others use tactical moves with their hidden biases on the pretext of being impartial in their likings and support or hatred.
This brings me to this question: What cardinal sin did Mwakwere commit such that he is hated so much by a section of some media houses-hated to the level of "religious fanaticism." It is possible that, Mwakwere refused "to play ball" in declining to ensure the scribes give his positive media image. Or is it perhaps there are some politicians, his colleagues probably influencing some media persons to discredit the Minister in order to hinder his soaring career?
Let me explain this situation further. I can say with certainty that some certain newspapers editorial teams always look into the opportunity to fault Mwakwere. Take for instance as a prefect example the Daily Nation’s April 12, 2007 editorial titled ‘Ministry can do better’. The editorial although referring to the Roads and Public Works Ministry after the ministry’s Assistant Minister Joshua Toro, admission in Parliament that the State was unable to instill discipline on the road. This editorial craving to somehow look to fault Mwakwere for anything that pertains to the transportation notes in part: “Cabinet Minister John Michuki, as Transport Minister, made name precisely because of introducing and enforcing tough traffic rules that saw dramatic decline in road accidents. The current occupant of that office, Mr Ali Mwakwere, of course, has made a mess of it.”
The editorial is not placing any praise to the former OP Provincial Administration and National Security Minister Dr Christopher Murungaru under whom the cops, Traffic Police unit worked under when traffic law enforcement was at its best in the country. In addition the editorial does not see anything wrong now where ironically the same Traffic Police Unit which used to enforce the law when the Kangema MP was the Transport minister are now working directly under Michuki and are not seen to effectively enforce the same rules he (Michuki) is being praised to have enforced.
Then when people get the chance to read honest and unbiased commentaries they realize how the media are cooking up stories for the individuals they hate.
What the media has done is that they have tried to make it appear that the Minister of Transport is a mere "Matatu" Minister and nothing more. They are blinding an unsuspecting public not to see the developments taking place under this ministry. Remember the MSCR study findings: “causes moral torture to the general public who are the direct consumers of information. “
Although people might have noticed, but it is a fact that no one has ever placed blame on the two individuals who have manned the Road and Public Works docket, Raila Odinga and his successor Simon Nyachae. Poor roads and the state of affairs of our roads system is so bad such that one wonders what the ministers in this docket have been doing. The Langa’ta MP when he was in-charge at this ministry at one time returned the money to the Treasury while the country’s roads are worst in the Eastern Africa sub-region. We used to read editorials describing the roads conditions but you never heard Raila being blamed when he manned that docket nor Nyachae being blamed.
Why are you being so naive, Mr Mungatana?
Three Ministers-Mwakwere, Morris Dzorro (Tourism and Wildlife) and Suleman Shakombo (State VP Office, for National Heritage) cannot all be wrong. And Dunson Mungatana a ( thirty-something) junior minister cannot be right in his thinking that the Ministers’ support for Harrison Kombe in the Magarini seat by-election is an imposition.
The Garsen MP wants President Kibaki to think that the ministers are wrong in their support for the immediate former MP Kombe simply because Shirikisho Party Kenya of which Kombe is his party of choice will seek to recapture his seat with is in ODM-Kenya.
If one may ask Mungatana, isn’t Kanu in ODM-K and aren’t there Kanu MPs serving in the Kibaki-led GNU government at Cabinet level? One would have thought Mungatana to be a clever and smart young lawyer legislator, but he isn’t. He is acting more like an ignorant and naïve leader. We all know that in Kenya it doesn’t matter where one’s party is allied to. It is the individual’s personal position and or stand that matters. Kombe who has the support of the three Coastal Ministers is not only a Mijikenda in a Mijikenda constituency, but has also consistently voted with the Government when it counted.
Mungatana might want to pretend he is above the tribal lines by supporting a mzungu candidate for NARC Kenya. He is either kidding or fooling himself if he thinks people will take him seriously. There is a reason why the three individuals are Cabinet Ministers and he is a junior minister. It not just a coincidence.
In the recently released study on the performance of our media by the African Women and Child Features Service (AWCFS), I must say the research Media Score Card Report (MSCR) hit the nail on the mark in several spheres.
From what I have read, the study findings are so precise such that it is apparent that the media has failed Kenyans and the country. The media has faired worse than the politicians who are always blamed to have failed the country and left it to the dogs.
Being in a position where I did not see the study findings in their entirely, but only reading from what has been published in the media; from that stand point, I have several remarks to make. One media report notes: “The MSCR says that there are rampant cases of ethical violations against social responsibility and public interest, professional integrity, respect for human rights and search for truth.” The study continues: “Most Kenyan journalists have failed to make sound moral decisions and judgement, thus jeopardising truth and objectivity which are pillars of the media industry.” In this area the study indicated that the newspapers scored highly on the count of accuracy but poorly on fairness.
As human-beings, we are all culprits of certain pre-conceived prejudices, biases and bigotry. Majority of these biases and prejudices have no affect on others as they are secretly kept by respective individuals and in most instances are applied clandestinely. But when it is practised by the media and when it goes beyond bias, it becomes very harmful, wrong and unacceptable.
The media houses can be and are very harmful to the national development. We know that the scribes are trained to write in a tactical manner that can look or appear as if their writing is unbiased in their effort to influence the thinking of their unsuspecting public. This style is reporting is what the MSCR study findings concluded that to be the cause of moral torture to the general public who are the direct consumers of information.
Yes, in the simplest language this commentary will show how the media in Kenyan is a culprit of bad biases and prejudice. But first to clear the air, let me first talk about thyself as a columnist and political commentator. I for one do not deny some bias, but I have always made it very clear on the onset that when I support an individual I have bee the consistent in stating so without hiding such a fact. I never distort a fact but instead bring all the available facts to the table for all and sundry to see and challenge if they so wish.
Take the case of my strong support for President Mwai Kibaki and his Government of National Unity. Conventional wisdom would have it I should support the Opposition, but I don’t and do not hide that fact. One can be tempted to ask me this question: ‘Is President Kibaki a tribalist?’ My answer is there is no shadow of doubt about that – looking at appointments in his Government; the President’s tribe is given most of the plum jobs. The only explanation for this is tribalism, no matter any way one looks at it.
There might come yet another question: ‘Do you think Kibaki is the best President for Kenya? My answer: ‘You bet he is. Looking at a bigger picture, Kibaki although favours his kinsmen; he at the same time also gives other tribes a chance. Kibaki has a completely different modus operandi as opposed to his two predecessors- former presidents Mzee Jomo Kenyatta and Daniel arap Moi.
Another example of someone I support is the Transport Minister Chirau Ali Mwakwere. I have never pretended otherwise when it comes to my support for this Coastal political leader. And like my support for Kibaki, I do not hide my support for the Matuga MP. The former Foreign Affairs Minister is the best Coastal legislator and he stands as one among equals nationally in all aspects of his career — from the National Assembly to the Cabinet where he has had the privilege to serve in three ministerial dockets.
Some of us are candid in stating our position for those we think deserve our support, but others use tactical moves with their hidden biases on the pretext of being impartial in their likings and support or hatred.
This brings me to this question: What cardinal sin did Mwakwere commit such that he is hated so much by a section of some media houses-hated to the level of "religious fanaticism." It is possible that, Mwakwere refused "to play ball" in declining to ensure the scribes give his positive media image. Or is it perhaps there are some politicians, his colleagues probably influencing some media persons to discredit the Minister in order to hinder his soaring career?
Let me explain this situation further. I can say with certainty that some certain newspapers editorial teams always look into the opportunity to fault Mwakwere. Take for instance as a prefect example the Daily Nation’s April 12, 2007 editorial titled ‘Ministry can do better’. The editorial although referring to the Roads and Public Works Ministry after the ministry’s Assistant Minister Joshua Toro, admission in Parliament that the State was unable to instill discipline on the road. This editorial craving to somehow look to fault Mwakwere for anything that pertains to the transportation notes in part: “Cabinet Minister John Michuki, as Transport Minister, made name precisely because of introducing and enforcing tough traffic rules that saw dramatic decline in road accidents. The current occupant of that office, Mr Ali Mwakwere, of course, has made a mess of it.”
The editorial is not placing any praise to the former OP Provincial Administration and National Security Minister Dr Christopher Murungaru under whom the cops, Traffic Police unit worked under when traffic law enforcement was at its best in the country. In addition the editorial does not see anything wrong now where ironically the same Traffic Police Unit which used to enforce the law when the Kangema MP was the Transport minister are now working directly under Michuki and are not seen to effectively enforce the same rules he (Michuki) is being praised to have enforced.
Then when people get the chance to read honest and unbiased commentaries they realize how the media are cooking up stories for the individuals they hate.
What the media has done is that they have tried to make it appear that the Minister of Transport is a mere "Matatu" Minister and nothing more. They are blinding an unsuspecting public not to see the developments taking place under this ministry. Remember the MSCR study findings: “causes moral torture to the general public who are the direct consumers of information. “
Although people might have noticed, but it is a fact that no one has ever placed blame on the two individuals who have manned the Road and Public Works docket, Raila Odinga and his successor Simon Nyachae. Poor roads and the state of affairs of our roads system is so bad such that one wonders what the ministers in this docket have been doing. The Langa’ta MP when he was in-charge at this ministry at one time returned the money to the Treasury while the country’s roads are worst in the Eastern Africa sub-region. We used to read editorials describing the roads conditions but you never heard Raila being blamed when he manned that docket nor Nyachae being blamed.
Why are you being so naive, Mr Mungatana?
Three Ministers-Mwakwere, Morris Dzorro (Tourism and Wildlife) and Suleman Shakombo (State VP Office, for National Heritage) cannot all be wrong. And Dunson Mungatana a ( thirty-something) junior minister cannot be right in his thinking that the Ministers’ support for Harrison Kombe in the Magarini seat by-election is an imposition.
The Garsen MP wants President Kibaki to think that the ministers are wrong in their support for the immediate former MP Kombe simply because Shirikisho Party Kenya of which Kombe is his party of choice will seek to recapture his seat with is in ODM-Kenya.
If one may ask Mungatana, isn’t Kanu in ODM-K and aren’t there Kanu MPs serving in the Kibaki-led GNU government at Cabinet level? One would have thought Mungatana to be a clever and smart young lawyer legislator, but he isn’t. He is acting more like an ignorant and naïve leader. We all know that in Kenya it doesn’t matter where one’s party is allied to. It is the individual’s personal position and or stand that matters. Kombe who has the support of the three Coastal Ministers is not only a Mijikenda in a Mijikenda constituency, but has also consistently voted with the Government when it counted.
Mungatana might want to pretend he is above the tribal lines by supporting a mzungu candidate for NARC Kenya. He is either kidding or fooling himself if he thinks people will take him seriously. There is a reason why the three individuals are Cabinet Ministers and he is a junior minister. It not just a coincidence.
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